Saturday, September 13, 2008

White Sands, Blue Skies

Today we drove out to White Sands National Monument-- only 40 miles east. I bought Zips a gypsum "desert rose" at the farmer's & crafts market downtown last weekend, and now I have shoes and floorboards filled with white gyspum sand from frolicking and rolling down dunes all afternoon. The sand is light beige and coming from Indiana, it looks so much like snow. Plus it's rained recently, so snowplows (sandplows?) had been through recently to unearth the road through the dunes. The sand is cool to the touch (unlike normal beach sand). Now that we know it's so close, it's going to be a regular excursion. I think I'm going to get an annual pass!
Oh... and next up, I'll write about the "Weird New Mexico" art show that's currently on at the art gallery on campus!

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