Thursday, January 22, 2009

To Celebrate Favorite Musician's New Album

Andrew Bird has a new album Noble Beast that I desperately need to purchase, but this short documentary was released with his 2003 album Weather Systems.

And here's a lovely performance of "Sectionate City" (or "section 8 city," I'm not sure which version this is)from a program called From the Basement. You get to see how amazing his layering looping...aaah I can't explain it. I'm just in love.


loloen said...

This is CRAZY. There's a kids show on Noggin that E and V like to watch called Jack's Big Music Show. They had this guy on there that did a really nice song so I looked him up. Turns out it's Andrew Bird. And then I see you post this. It must be fate. I need to acquire some of his music now. Best album of his recommendation, please?

Hope all is well with you!

Z said...

You found Dr. Stringz! I think if I had to rank them, I'd say
1. Weather Systems
2. Mysterious Production of Eggs
3. Armchair Apocrypha
4. Noble Beast

I have some of his songs on that playlist thingy on my sidebar. I love the songs Lull, Action/Adventure from Weather Systems, but Mysterious Production of Eggs has more songs-- all great. On second thought, swap #1 and #2!

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