Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tomato-Rama: Part 2

Here's a more recent tomato haul. We got a ton of basil to dry too. And the baby watermelons are splitting from the erratic rainfall. We've lost four or five now, but we've tried to ENJOY what's been left of the split babies. This one was delicious, crisp, sweet. I can only imagine how it would have been if it grew larger.
Here's the LOAD of basil. I have to document it now, because the cruel Indiana winter will make this all seem like a pleasant dream!
Here's our cantaloupe (?) hiding in the straw. I figure the longer I ignore it, the bigger and more beautiful she will grow.
And we're finally growing EDAMAME!!!!!
And an even more recent tomato (plus bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, tomatillo, and basil/cinnamon basil) harvest.

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