Saturday, June 12, 2010

Breakfast Quesadillas: Good Idea? or a Great Idea?

This morning was crazy exciting. We had planned on having a yard sale today (saturday) to downsize a little before our impending move (next week!) (I haven't hosted a yard sale in over 8 years!). But we only decided at the very last minute to actually got through with it. So on Thursday I posted an ad on craigslist with a couple of bigger items we were selling and our address. Friday I fretted about not having advertised it in the local paper and not buying any posterboard to make signs. And after a fitful night of not sleeping and generally worrying that no one would come after all the trouble of tagging and finding surfaces to use as tables, we decided not to have the yard sale after all. But this morning, there were pickup trucks and early birds waiting a full hour before we had intended on "opening"-- so I went out to tell them all we were postponing our sale. But a frenzy ensued, and we ended up selling stuff for the next hour and a half before toting the scraps leftover to the local animal shelter thrift shop.

And then we feasted. Zips requested a special breakfast (it was all over by 10 am!) so I made her her favorite: breakfast tacos. That's just an egg scrambled with some chopped morningstar farms veggie breakfast sausage patty in a heated flour tortilla, with some salsa on top. The hot sauce of choice in this case is Tapatio ("es una salsa...muy salsa!"):
but since I'm not really interested in eating eggs right now, I decided to mix it up a little, and heated a tortilla in an unoiled nonstick pan, sprinkled a little cheese on half of it, and a little of the scrambled eggs and veggie sausage, folded it over again, and used a smaller pan to press it (macguyver panini!) as it heated. Then I flipped it over and toasted the other side too.
Now I have a new favorite breakfast too when Zips demands her tacos! I've been rewarded with a homemade "java chip"-esque frappuccino. Mmmmm. I may have to get Zips to write out the recipe for me!

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