Sunday, June 13, 2010

Garden Rosemary Potatoes

With our move less than a week away, Zips and I spent a little time digging up spuds under the sunshade in the backyard this afternoon. Not only did we want to enjoy our premature mini-harvest, we also plan to take our cultivated dirt with us. What with packing and moving, raking up the backyard and returning our garden plots to a solid patch of sand, we figured we ought to enjoy the fruits (tubers) of our labors. As you can see, I couldn't keep Zips from supervising the digging up of the yukon golds.
I had already dug up the plants that looked sickly or dying. But with the rest of the plants still looking so good and growing strong, I never imagined some of them had a cluster of fully formed POTATOES!
Bijoux also had to get in on the action.
All in all, here's the full harvest. I almost don't recognize the backyard when I look from my bedroom window, since all of my greenery in the smaller raised bed is gone.
They were enjoyed with dinner (along with some brussels sprouts and quorn turk'y roast) with some rosemary trimmed from the garden wall (and olive oil, salt and pepper).

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